Old Appliance Take-Back Service

Kaufland Global Marketplace offers you an old appliance take-back service for Kaufland.de.

More stringent legal reclamation obligations have been in place for 1-to-1 reclamation of electric and electronic items since 1st January 2022. Sellers who operate on Kaufland.de are obligated to provide their customers the option for their old appliances to be returned or taken back via Kaufland.de, independent of the size of their warehouse or sales area in square metres.

To take the pressure off of sellers, Kaufland Global Marketplace offers a quick and convenient solution to ensure you meet your obligations for appliance take-back.

Note: This service is only available for the Kaufland.de marketplace.

Our Services:

  • Complete logistics and take-back of old appliances
  • Managing communications with customers
  • Professional recycling and disposal

Depending on the size of the old appliance, the take-back process – including disposal and processing – may be handled by a parcel service provider or a freight forwarding service provider. The following expenses are incurred:

  • Take-back of old appliances via parcel service provider €23 net, plus legally owed VAT
  • Take-back of old appliances via freight forwarding service provider €79 net, plus legally owed VAT

Old appliance take-back in four easy steps:

1. Identify the products in question: Our system automatically recognises when a customer puts a product which is affected by the Electrical Equipment Act from one of the relevant categories into their shopping cart.

2. Ticket automatically created when customer requests an old appliance take-back: If the customer selects old appliance take-back and completes the purchase, a ticket will automatically be created in our ticket system.

3. Inform customer service of the ticket: Do you want to use our old appliance take-back service? Then notify our customer service with our ticket system. Inform them in the ticket that you cannot offer old appliance take-back. Kaufland Global Marketplace will take over the coordination of the take-back.

4. Invoicing via commission statement: The costs of the old appliance take-back service will be deducted from the credit in your seller account and listed on your monthly commission statement at the end of the month. For more information on the Electrical Equipment Act and the obligations it incurs on sellers, please refer to: Electrical Equipment Act